Don’t forget your Days.

The sun has been out 😀  😀  That totally made my weekend. I think we got to 26/27degrees on the Saturday, BLISS! We’ve been making the most of the sunshine, because at any minute it can still rain before your eyes – and all down the huge load of hanging washing that you’ve just accomplished!

I’ve been popping the on camera flash a bit lately too to see if I can get it looking any good. My next investment – whenever that shall be – will be a flash. The lil pop up is only useable if the object or person is up really close I think, and if I keep travelling down the path of photographing in other peoples homes, it is going to be a necessity, as natural lighting isn’t going to always be available.

I had been dragging along a bit when it came to getting photos from camera to computer, that I managed to miss out a day from the ‘latest twelve’ post and only realised tonight when I was going through and attempting to clear out my memory card! I was thankful the photo I discovered wasn’t from a few months ago, but still – it just reminded me how important it is to keep on top of it all, otherwise come the 31st December I’d totally gutted and confused if I wasn’t posting day number 365!


DAY 218 | 365

Just managing to stay afloat in the bath, before Perry dives in to dunk them under... This was the photo that was supposed to be day 215!!

Just managing to stay afloat in the bath, before Perry dives in to dunk them under… This was the photo that was supposed to be day 215!!



DAY 219 | 365

All the tea was drunk and the mandarins were devoured.. nothing left but the plate to munch on.

All the tea was drunk and the mandarins were devoured.. nothing left but the plate to munch on.



DAY 220 | 365

Learning our manners with our current favourite bedtime story. If only they made dairy-free donuts (or Dowdows and she calls them) for her to practice with.

Learning our manners with our current favourite bedtime story. If only they made dairy-free donuts (or Dowdows and she calls them) for her to practice with.



DAY 221 | 365

Went to the botanic park hoping for some pretty flowers. We may have been just a couple of weeks too early still.

Went to the botanic park hoping for some pretty flowers. We may have been just a couple of weeks too early still.



DAY 222 | 365

She was gifted a chalk board. No more drawing all over the bricks now, she loves it!

She was gifted a chalk board. No more drawing all over the bricks now, she loves it!



DAY 223 | 365

Playing Peek-a-boo.

Playing Peek-a-boo.



DAY 224 | 365

She's become rather fond of Minnie lately. I can't wait until I get to make her bday cake this year... soo doing the Minnie Mouse flavour!

She’s become rather fond of Minnie lately. I can’t wait until I get to make her bday cake this year… soo doing the Minnie Mouse flavour!



DAY 225 | 365

Her sleeping bag is now a permanent blanket, due to the Minnie factor, and if she can drag it out of her cot in the mornings she'll bring it with her for morning schnuggles on my bed.

Her sleeping bag is now a permanent blanket, due to the Minnie factor, and if she can drag it out of her cot in the mornings she’ll bring it in with her for morning schnuggles on my bed.



DAY 226 | 365

First set of pigtails, morning light, tutu, and Mummy's phone.

First set of pigtails, morning light, tutu, and Mummy’s phone.



DAY 227 | 365

With the sun shining beautiful, it was a day to be spent outdoors.

With the sun shining beautiful, it was a day to be spent outdoors.



DAY 228 | 365

Creating mood in photoshop. If I could clone out her hanging yellow singlet it would be perfect, but at the same time, kids are gonna be kids, she wouldn't let go of the ball and she was tired, so all is well.

Creating mood in photoshop. If I could clone out her hanging yellow singlet it would be perfect, but at the same time, kids are gonna be kids, she wouldn’t let go of the ball and she was tired, so all is well and I will just accept it for what it was.



DAY 229 | 365

Mondays are always the busiest ones, leaving less time for photography. If it wasn't so rushed I'd love to take my camera with me - but I don't do stress, so searched instagram for my inspiration instead.

Mondays are always the busiest ones, leaving less time for photography. If it wasn’t so rushed I’d love to take my camera with me – but I don’t do stress, so searched instagram for my inspiration instead.



DAY 230 | 365

We painted today; 4 Pictures and a hand.

We painted today; 4 Pictures and a hand.



The countdown to spring is on!


Snap ya Later _[0]_

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